CGER Network meeting Bergen 16th February


Welcome all to this webinar where we will stream the presentations held at our CGER network meeting in Bergen. The idea is to come together and discuss the use of geothermal energy and ground source heat pump systems. This time we will be visiting the K2 building at HVL where we will be given a guided tour of the energy system at work here.

We thank our sponsor for the event - Bergen kommune!

Sharing presentation and pdf from the day:

The CGER møte hos HVL K2-bygget: Energibrønner og energisystemer i Bergen

16. februar 2023, 09:00-13:00

Adresse: HVL - Kronstad bygg 2 (K2), Inndalsveien 28, 5063 Bergen

Online kart:,60.369299&zoom=16.5&campusid=9&desttype=poi&dest=1000317584

09:00 Oppmøte / frokost

09:25: Velkommen, Fionn Iversen

09:30 FoU energisystem / K2 intro, Knut Kismul, HVL

09:50 «Det grønne skiftet - energiomstillingen», Anders Nermoen, NORCE

10:10   Geotermsk forskning på UiB, Ivar Stefansson, UiB

10:40 Omvisning på K2 ved Øyvind Henne

11:15 Lunsj

12:00 Energibrønner og energisystemer i Bergensområdet, Kirsti Midttømme

12:20 Silje Bordvik - Utfelling av silica fra superkritisk damp, IFE

12:40 Oppsummering, diskusjon, veien videre vår/høst 2023, Anders / Fionn

All CGER network members are warmly welcome to join in person, but those that cannot attend can use the following link.

The webinar will be taped, and videos will be shared afterwards.